malayalam Youth Channel Asianet Plus Channel Contact Details and Shows
Understanding the pulse of the youth, Asianet Plus gives viewers a complete entertainment experience with programs on music, fashion, movies, gaming, travel and humor along with a lot of variety programs. The channel offers widely popular interactive programs and music involving very popular, young and dynamic presenters who ensure that the programs reflect the tastes, attitudes and expectations of the Kerala youth with a global perception.

Postal address
Asianet Communications Ltd.
Asianet Complex,
Puliyarakonam PO
695 573
Asianet Studio : 0471-3051305, 0471-2378407
Asianet Studio (Fax) : 0471-2378581
News Desk (Studio) : 0471-2378820
Update – Channel rebranded recently and later converted as second movie channel of Asianet. It’s now doing poor performance at trp rating chart.