Limca Book of Records – Longest Running Weekly Comedy Show Cinemala

Cinemala , a weekly political satire programme in Malayalam is the longest running weekly comedy show. It has been telecast for the past 20 years since August 30, 1993 without a break on Asianet channel (worldwide. On July 31, 2013, it celebrated the 1000th episodes which were aired on August 31, 2013. Diana Silvester has been the Chief producer and Director of the show from the beginning.
Malayalam comedy programs

If stars of the silver screen have participated in the malayalam comedy show, some of its actors went on to shine in tinsel town as leading stars. One of the reasons for the show‘s popularity is its irreverent attitude to the high and mighty from all walks of life. Politicians, cultural icons, bureaucrats and media persons have all been at the receiving end of the show and, yet, many of them are fans of the programme.