Updated Malayalam Channel Tarif (Paid and Free to Air)
All the major indian television networks published the new pricing as per TRAI’s order, you can check Malayalam Channel Tariff from here. Star network is the most expensive indian television provider, They are the malayalam industry ruler. Star india having more than 50 channels, 23 channels from the network pricing at R.S 19, Just 5 listed for R.S 1. We have already updated about Zee Network’s Malayalam channels, Zee keralam (priced at R.S 0.10) and Zee Keralam HD. Asianet , Asianet HD and Surya TV HD are the most costliest Malayalam television channels.
Read Also in Malayalam OTT and TV News
- Star Value Pack Details
- Zee Keralam Pricing
Pricing of Asianet Channels from 29th December 2018
Channel Name | Pricing (R.S) |
Asianet | 19 |
Asianet HD | 19 |
Asianet Movies | 15 |
Asianet Plus | 05 |
Another player is sun network, they have channels in malayalam for general entertainment , kids, music, comedy, movies etc. we can check the updated pricing of Sun network malayalam channels from 29th December 2018. Sun network not offering any free to air content for malayalam television viewers.

Malayalam Channel Tariff for Surya Channels
Channel Name | Pricing (R.S) |
Surya TV | 12 |
Surya HD | 19 |
Surya Movies | 11 |
Surya Comedy | 4 |
Surya Music | 4 |
Kochu TV | 5 |
Pricing of Malayalam Channels
Channel Name | Pricing (R.S) |
Amrita TV | 0 |
Asianet News | 0 |
DD4 (DD Malayalam) | 0 |
Flowers TV | 0 |
Goodness TV | 0 |
Janam TV | 0 |
Jeevan TV | 0 |
Kairali TV | 0 |
Kairali We TV | 0 |
Kairali People TV | 0 |
Kappa TV | 0 |
Kaumudy TV | 0 |
Manorama News | 0 |
Mazhavil Manorama | 0 |
Mazhavil Manorama HD | 0 |
Media One | 0 |
Reporter TV | 0 |
Safari TV | 0 |
Shalom TV | 0 |
Zee Keralam | 0.1 |
Zee Keralam HD | 8 |
News 18 Keralam | 0.5 |

Mazhavil Manorama HD cost you Free Please correct it!
why Asianet HD has been priced Rs 19.
Asianet is owned by Star network.
Please tour castamarcair number